
OpenEBS Support Services

Reach out to us if you require support for your OpenEBS implementation.

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DataCore offers support services to customers of OpenEBS products.

These services are led by experienced program managers with expertise in implementing, maintaining and supporting OpenEBS deployments in Kubernetes environments.

DataCore support engineers include a qualified bench of experienced Certified Kubernetes Administrators (CKAs) and Developers (CKADs).

Request support for OpenEBS by filling out the form on this page. Our OpenEBS experts will get in touch with you for next steps.


Contact DataCore for OpenEBS Support

DataCore’s Commitment to Open Source

OpenEBS is a set of open-source container attached storage engines that helps Developers, Platform SREs, and DevOps teams to easily deploy and manage stateful workloads on Kubernetes clusters. OpenEBS turns any storage available on the Kubernetes worker nodes into local or distributed Kubernetes persistent volumes.

Open EBS was originally built by MayaData and donated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and is now a CNCF sandbox project.

DataCore, after its acquisition of MayaData, continues to contribute to OpenEBS engineering, product development and support.

DataCore is a Silver Sponsor for CNCF and actively engages with the open-source community to solve new problems and expand product innovation.